Axis for Autism Identifies Common Signs of Autism for Raising Arizona Kids

Every child develops differently, but there are a few key signs at each age many individuals with autism share. Writing for Raising Arizona Kids, clinical neuropsychologist Morgan Hall, PhD, educated parents on how to tell — and what to do — if their child may be on the spectrum.

Morgan compared key growth milestones and behaviors for children from nine months to seven years of age with autism and without autism, including how they show emotions, respond to their environment and make friends. She suggested parents who notice autism signs schedule an evaluation at Axis for Autism to ensure their child receives an early diagnosis to mitigate autism’s more challenging aspects.

Leveraging groundbreaking technology and a network of specialized psychologists, Axis for Autism dramatically reduces the lengthy period of uncertainty many families experience. In fewer than 60 days, families can receive an answer and a clear course of action.

Read Morgan’s full article here.


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